An Assessment of United Nations Convention Against Corruption: Implications for Nigeria
  • Author(s): Godwin Oyedokun ; Olu Ojedokun
  • Paper ID: 1705279
  • Page: 345-360
  • Published Date: 30-12-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 6 December-2023

The United Nations Convention Against Corruption (hereinafter referred to as UNCAC), is an international instrument for preventing and combatting corrupt practices globally and was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in October 2003 and entered into force in December 2005. Nigeria, a State Party to the UNCAC signed the treaty on the 9th of December 2003, and ratified it on the 24th of October 2004, even though UNCAC is yet to be domesticated in Nigeria in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. It is apposite to note however that several pieces of legislation complying with different provisions of the UNCAC have been enacted into law by both the National Assembly and States Houses of Assembly and several implementation structures have been set up in view of such legislation. The UNCAC is unique for its worldwide coverage, the scope of its provisions which includes but is not limited to preventive and punitive measures, its call on civil societies and non -governmental organizations to participate in the accountability process, and most importantly its provisions on international cooperation amongst State Parties by assisting each other in the fight against corruption.


IRE Journals:
Godwin Oyedokun , Olu Ojedokun "An Assessment of United Nations Convention Against Corruption: Implications for Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 6 2023 Page 345-360

Godwin Oyedokun , Olu Ojedokun "An Assessment of United Nations Convention Against Corruption: Implications for Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(6)