Tourism Potential at Parbaba White Sand Beach, Samosir Regency
  • Author(s): Kukuh Prakoso ; Sintha Leli Wisesha Br. Ambarita ; Yusuf Jati W.
  • Paper ID: 1705230
  • Page: 161-166
  • Published Date: 24-11-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 5 November-2023

Samosir Regency is one of the tourist areas which is quite famous for its Lake Toba which has the natural beauty, culture, and waters of Lake Toba. Parbaba White Sand Beach is one of the beaches that takes advantage of the beauty of Lake Toba as a tourist spot. The research was conducted on April 24-26 2023 at Pasir Putih Parbaba Beach, Samosir Regency. The research objective is to determine tourism potential (attraction, access, and facilities). The method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection by observation, interviews, and documentation. Interviews were conducted with 75 tourists, 20 local people, and 6 managers using a questionnaire. The selection of tourist respondents used the accidental sampling method, while the community and managers used purposive sampling techniques. The results showed the potential for tourist attraction according to tourists Very Attractive with a score of 4.257 and according to managers with a score of 4.542. Tourist facilities are in a good category according to tourists with a score of 3.526 and according to managers with a score of 3.805. Tourism access is included in the Supporting category according to tourists with a score of 3.822 and according to managers with a score of 4.176.


Lake Toba, Potential, Samosir Regency, Tourism


IRE Journals:
Kukuh Prakoso , Sintha Leli Wisesha Br. Ambarita , Yusuf Jati W. "Tourism Potential at Parbaba White Sand Beach, Samosir Regency" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 5 2023 Page 161-166

Kukuh Prakoso , Sintha Leli Wisesha Br. Ambarita , Yusuf Jati W. "Tourism Potential at Parbaba White Sand Beach, Samosir Regency" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(5)