Design, Fabrication and Control of Quadruped Robot for Elderly People Assistance
  • Author(s): Vinithkumar T ; Kaviranjani V ; Sivabalakrishnan R
  • Paper ID: 1705131
  • Page: 238-242
  • Published Date: 16-10-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 4 October-2023

The design, development, and implementation of a quadruped robot tailored to address the unique needs of elderly individuals. As the global population continues to age, there is a growing need for innovative technologies that can improve the quality of life for senior citizens. Our quadruped robot serves as a versatile solution, offering features such as voice assistance, fall detection, and support with daily tasks, all within a single platform. Fall detection and emergency alerts are crucial components of our robot, ensuring the safety of elderly individuals who are living on their own. To accomplish this, our robot is equipped with advanced sensors and computer vision technology, which allows it to accurately identify when a person has fallen. In the event of a fall, the robot can take action independently by initiating an emergency alert. Our aim with this project is to enhance the well-being and security of elderly individuals by providing them with a reliable and multifunctional robotic companion. This device can offer assistance with various daily tasks and, more importantly, can come to the rescue when a fall occurs, ensuring that seniors can continue to live independently with peace of mind.


Robot, Quadruped Robot, Elderly Individuals, Aging Population


IRE Journals:
Vinithkumar T , Kaviranjani V , Sivabalakrishnan R "Design, Fabrication and Control of Quadruped Robot for Elderly People Assistance" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 4 2023 Page 238-242

Vinithkumar T , Kaviranjani V , Sivabalakrishnan R "Design, Fabrication and Control of Quadruped Robot for Elderly People Assistance" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(4)