A Critical Evaluation of Bankable Feasibility Study in a PPPs Transaction for Tertiary Institutions’ Infrastructure Development in Nigeria
  • Author(s): Adamu Mudi
  • Paper ID: 1705124
  • Page: 228-237
  • Published Date: 16-10-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 4 October-2023

Adequate and reliable bankable project feasibility study according to Adamu et al. (2015) determines the private sectors investment interest in a PPPs transaction which centers around project demand forecast taking into account the willingness to pay, inter and intra-model competition, ramp-up effects, and long-term macro-economic effect and population growth rate. In order to achieve this, WEF (2013) noted that public sector needs to determine the project technical specifications, and also carry out a detail cost benefit analysis so as to determine the project’s commercial viability to be followed by proactive and professionalized stakeholder engagement. Efforts must also be made to mitigate the social and environmental impact of the proposed infrastructure. This is very essential in determining the bankability of any infrastructure development. This study is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of bankable feasibility study and factors affecting bankability of tertiary institutions infrastructure development under PPP concession in Nigeria. In order to achieve this aim, the study examined the concept of PPPs models for infrastructure development and bankable feasibility process in a PPP framework. Data collection was through administration of well-structured questionnaire on the target population. Data collected were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistic analytical techniques. The study revealed that there is urgent need to review the current Nigeria National Policy on PPP, institutional structure and individual capacity building in the area of PPPs project preparation in order to encourage more private sector participation in the drive for provision and development of road infrastructure facility.


Public-Private Partnership, Development, Project, Bankable, Feasibility Study


IRE Journals:
Adamu Mudi "A Critical Evaluation of Bankable Feasibility Study in a PPPs Transaction for Tertiary Institutions’ Infrastructure Development in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 4 2023 Page 228-237

Adamu Mudi "A Critical Evaluation of Bankable Feasibility Study in a PPPs Transaction for Tertiary Institutions’ Infrastructure Development in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(4)