Impact of Climate change on Vegetable production in the Ashaiman Municipality of Ghana
  • Author(s): Mahama Musah ; Francis Aforve ; Husein Dia-ul-haq Chaani
  • Paper ID: 1705112
  • Page: 206-221
  • Published Date: 15-10-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 4 October-2023

Climate change is one of humanity's ultimate concerns in this 21st century, leading to a decrease in the fight against hunger and famine, especially in Africa. Since climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes, it is very important to look at their impact on vegetable crop yield. This study examines and analyzes the impact of climate change, specifically, rainfall and temperature on the yields of vegetable production in the Ashaiman Municipality of Ghana. The specific objectives were; to examine the vegetable farmers’ knowledge and perception of climate change, to analyze factors that influence the perception of these farmers on climate change in the municipality, to determine the effect of climate change on soil moisture, vegetable yield, and livelihoods, to determine strategies used by farmers to reduce the impact of climate change on vegetable yields, and to determine factors that influence the adaptation choices of vegetable farmers in the municipality. Data were taken from one hundred (100) respondents within the Ashaiman Municipality, using open-ended questionnaires. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied and data were analyzed using SPSS v.20. The study showed the following results: all respondents knew about climate change and individually had their perceptions of it, rainfall and temperature patterns, as well as contributions the Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs), the media, and training from Civil Society Organizations (CSO) such as the African Foundation for Climate Change and Sustainable Development (AFCCSD) are some factors that affect the perception of the farmers on climate change, climate change negatively affects soil moisture thus resulting in low vegetable yield which leads to low income hence affecting livelihood. The majority of the farmers in the Municipality use fertilizers to boost their crop yield hence reducing the impact of climate change on yield.


Climate Change, Crop yield, Soil, Sustainable Development, Temperature


IRE Journals:
Mahama Musah , Francis Aforve , Husein Dia-ul-haq Chaani "Impact of Climate change on Vegetable production in the Ashaiman Municipality of Ghana" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 4 2023 Page 206-221

Mahama Musah , Francis Aforve , Husein Dia-ul-haq Chaani "Impact of Climate change on Vegetable production in the Ashaiman Municipality of Ghana" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(4)