In recent days, cars play a significant role in the lives of humans. The use of vehicles significantly helps people live lighter lives. Simultaneously, the rate of vehicle theft is increasing by the day. The significance of the car theft discovery follows. The foundation of the current security system is an anti-theft alarm. The alarm activates and sounds automatically if someone touches the car's body. Making duplicate car keys at the moment are not delicate, and utilizing keys that are identical ups the risk of theft. We have a solution for a comparable issue. The proposed goal of our project is to create a security system that may be installed inside a car in order to detect theft. The suggested system is a face recognition-based security system using a Raspberry Pi-loaded face recognition module. The Raspberry Pi module is programmed and trained in such a way that the system recognizes the owner and the frequent users of the vehicle. Only those who have been given permission to use the vehicles as users can be identified by our system's face recognition technology. If any unauthorized person tries to access the vehicle an alert message along with a picture of the person is sent to the owner's mobile. This system is also programmed with an additional feature that the owners can also lock the car when any unauthorized person tries to enter the vehicle.
IoT, Raspberry Pi, Face recognition, Alarm
IRE Journals:
Keerthana R , Aparna R , Dr. Jaya Brindha G
"Vehicle Theft Detection" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 4 2023 Page 61-65
Keerthana R , Aparna R , Dr. Jaya Brindha G
"Vehicle Theft Detection" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(4)