Career Readiness of the NCII Caregiving Graduates
  • Author(s): Desiree Manzano Vinluan
  • Paper ID: 1705090
  • Page: 27-55
  • Published Date: 09-10-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 4 October-2023

The trend in today’s industry including health sector focuses on the specific skills employees because of the high demand on home care worker. As the aging population increases there will be more potential patients needing care which means the demand for caregivers will continue to increase. TESDA-TVL programs facilitates with the competency development of the trainees to perform better on the job giving them the skills they need to do their job effectively. It also help them identify their strengths and weakness so they can focus on improving areas where they need more training or experience. The study assessed the NC II caregiving graduates profile in terms of their demographics, and employment status. The level of career readiness and their problems encountered along employment. Differences and relationship the career readiness of NCII caregiving graduates across their profile variables, also proposed a career development program to enhance the readiness of the NCII caregiving graduates. A descriptive quantitative method was used, with seventy five (75) respondents purposively selected graduates of the year 2021-2022 of a TESDA-accredited training schools of Pangasinan. The NCII caregiving graduates are young adults, female, married; while when comes to their employment status, nearly all are employed local not related to skills, residential, minimum wage earner, found job 5 months after graduation and stays to short period of time. It is recognized that NCII caregiving graduates are “With High Career Readiness” except for confidentiality and critical thinking and use of technology “With Career Readiness”, hence, they graduated competent, skilled and qualified. Likewise, they sometimes encountered problems along employment. Furthermore, the ANOVA results on significant difference, profile variables are mostly shown that there is no significant differences between the career readiness of NCII caregiving graduates across their profile variables, except for sex for leadership capacity, and length of finding job after graduation for confidentiality and critical thinking and professional ethics. As well, Pearson-r on Value on significant relationship, profile variables dominantly revealed no significant, except for sex on leadership capacity. Hence, based on the findings a career development program is prosed to enhance the career readiness of NCII caregiving graduates. Based on results, the researcher recommended that a more comprehensive campaign to increase the number of trainees, as well additional school to provide trainings and scholarship grants particularly for the less fortunate young generation. For the enhancement on the career readiness of the NCII caregiving graduates, the researcher recommends that a continuous assessment and evaluation of the implementation of the training regulations. Furthermore, training institutions, to continuously appraise, examine and if possible, implement the proposed career development program to enhance the readiness of the NC II caregiving graduates. Lastly, future researchers are advised to conduct related studies with wider perspective to explore and to help further enhance the career readiness of NCII caregiving graduates through their skills and competence development.


Career, Readiness, Caregiving, Graduates


IRE Journals:
Desiree Manzano Vinluan "Career Readiness of the NCII Caregiving Graduates" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 4 2023 Page 27-55

Desiree Manzano Vinluan "Career Readiness of the NCII Caregiving Graduates" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(4)