Effective and accurate algorithms were developed to evaluate the reliability of the design of moment resisting joints in timber frames. Generally, the results obtained showed that the reliability levels, ?, showed that bending consideration, rather than the shear controls the design of timber joints. For the bending consideration, failure mode III, (due to the development of plastic hinge in bolt, in main or side members) gave ? = 1.10 at mean values of the design parameters, thereby making it the most critical. Failure Mode IV, (due to the development of plastic hinge in bolt, in both main and side members) follows with ? = 1.88, then failure Mode I, (due to bearing of the main and side members) gave ? = 2.66, failure Mode II, (due to bolt rotation without bending) has the least effect with ? = 3.84. However, it was found that, under certain design situations, this order changes. This brings to the fore, the inconsistencies in code provisions.The sensitivity analysis conducted to examine the influence of the basic design variables on the implicit reliability levels showed that the most significant variables are the diameter of fasteners and density of timber. The implication of this is that during the design of joints in timber frames, these variables are considered seriously.
Failure Modes, Probabilistic Techniques, Reliability Levels, Sensitivity Analysis
IRE Journals:
Abdulkadir YUSUF
"Stochastic Assessment of the Design of Moment Resisting Timber Joint" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 4 2023 Page 12-26
Abdulkadir YUSUF
"Stochastic Assessment of the Design of Moment Resisting Timber Joint" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(4)