Design of Cooling System on Ixion BT 25 Bench Drill Machine to Reduce Cutting Heat
  • Author(s): Tertius V.Y. Ulaan ; Rudy Poeng ; I Nyoman Gede ; Romels C.A. Lumintang
  • Paper ID: 1705030
  • Page: 271-274
  • Published Date: 20-09-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 3 September-2023

The drill process is a machining process in which almost all of the cutting energy is converted into heat through the friction process, between the tool and the workpiece and between the drill tool and the workpiece as well as the molecular or atomic bond destruction process in the shear plane. Cutting heat has a great influence on the life of the drill tool. Therefore, in the machining process heat has a correlation to the tool wear rate which is one of the parameters in determining the life of the drill tool. [1] In general, drill machines do not use a cooling system so that in the cutting process noise arises and the drill tool wears out quickly and eventually breaks so that it will endanger the operator. To overcome this, a cooling system is needed in the drill process on the IXION BT 25 bench drill machine in the Unsrat Mechanical Engineering Laboratory which does not use a cooling system, so a cooling system will be designed and made with the aim of cooling and lubricating when drilling the workpiece so that it will reduce the cutting heat. The purpose of this research is to design a cooling system on the IXION BT 25 bench drill machine to reduce cutting heat. The method carried out is the manufacture of cooling system products by using a pump to circulate the cooling media from the reservoir to the cutting area. This research is an alternative to develop machine tools, especially the IXION BT 25 bench drill machine using a cooling system that can overcome cutting heat.


Design, Cooling System, Drill Machine


IRE Journals:
Tertius V.Y. Ulaan , Rudy Poeng , I Nyoman Gede , Romels C.A. Lumintang "Design of Cooling System on Ixion BT 25 Bench Drill Machine to Reduce Cutting Heat" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 3 2023 Page 271-274

Tertius V.Y. Ulaan , Rudy Poeng , I Nyoman Gede , Romels C.A. Lumintang "Design of Cooling System on Ixion BT 25 Bench Drill Machine to Reduce Cutting Heat" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(3)