Integrating Technology-Based Learning Material in Mathematics 2
  • Author(s): Racquel O. Aleje ; Anicia S. Madarang
  • Paper ID: 1704978
  • Page: 305-317
  • Published Date: 28-08-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 2 August-2023

The study was conducted to develop and evaluate a technology-based learning material in Mathematics 2. The Descriptive-Development-Evaluative method of research was used in gathering information to answer the specific questions in this study. It used document analysis, survey questionnaire, and evaluation rating sheet for non-print materials as the main data gathering instruments. It involved 35 teachers teaching Mathematics 2 as respondents, 5 Master Teachers, and 25 ICT Coordinators as evaluators, all in Labo West District. It was found that there were eight (8) least mastered learning competencies in Mathematics 2. Also, the developed technology-based learning material was named “Aleje’s Fun Mathematics”. The content along with number sense, and algebra as well as the skills on computational skills and problem-solving skills, and the values of logical reasoning, mental rigor, carefulness, and accurateness found to be integrated into the developed technology-based learning material. The results of the evaluation of the developed technology-based learning material gained a Very Satisfactory score which surpassed the minimum points required to pass a particular criterion. There were twelve (12) recommendations given by the evaluators.


Integration, Technology-based Learning, Mathematics, Computational Skills, Problem-Solving Skills


IRE Journals:
Racquel O. Aleje , Anicia S. Madarang "Integrating Technology-Based Learning Material in Mathematics 2" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 305-317

Racquel O. Aleje , Anicia S. Madarang "Integrating Technology-Based Learning Material in Mathematics 2" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)