Job Satisfaction of Contractual Employees in Selected Business Establishments in Camarines Norte
  • Author(s): Ariel J. Federico ; Jennifer S. Rubio
  • Paper ID: 1704966
  • Page: 196-208
  • Published Date: 18-08-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 2 August-2023

This study determined the Job Satisfaction of Contractual Employees in Selected Business Establishments in Camarines Norte. It employed descriptive-correlational method of research using survey questionnaire. Assessment was made on the profile of the respondents, the level of job satisfaction of the contractual employees in terms of: salary; working relationship with co-employees; working relationship with immediate supervisor; personal and professional development; and decision-making in job performance. The challenges encountered by contractual employees relative to their job satisfaction and the intervention that may be proposed to address the challenges encountered by contractual employees were also identified and discussed. The primary data were obtained from 158 respondents from 7 fast food chains in Camarines Norte. The findings revealed that most of the respondents were 23 years old, male, single and has been working in the company for 13 to 24 months. Further, the research revealed that the respondents rated all of the indicators in determining the job satisfaction very satisfactory. The tabulated results on the ranking of common challenges encountered by contractual employee’s shows that inadequate salary due to increasing cost of living ranked number one among the challenges and Micro management style in the organization ranked the lowest of number ten.


IRE Journals:
Ariel J. Federico , Jennifer S. Rubio "Job Satisfaction of Contractual Employees in Selected Business Establishments in Camarines Norte" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 196-208

Ariel J. Federico , Jennifer S. Rubio "Job Satisfaction of Contractual Employees in Selected Business Establishments in Camarines Norte" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)