The study assessed Traditional Rulers and the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Conflict Settlement in Kontagora Emirates in Niger State, Nigeria. Survey and ethnographic research designs were employed for the study. The data was sourced primarily through the questionnaire. Three hundred eighty-eight questionnaires were analyzed through simple percentage indexes, bar charts, and regression analysis. The result showed a positive and significant relationship between Arbitration (ARTN), Mediation (MDTN) and Conflict Settlement (CNS) in Kontagora Emirate, Niger State, Nigeria. The findings validate the potency and efficacy of traditional mediation framework in conflict settlement in African societies, among which are the Gacaca and Abunzi in Rwanda, the Ubuntu principle in South Africa, the Kokwo (council of elders) among the Pokot and Marakwet in Kenya, and the ayeyin, ekponyoho, esopmbongisong system among the Ibibio people of Nigeria. The study recommends that the federal government should fully enshrine the roles and duties of the traditional institution in conflict mediation and peace building in Nigeria.
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Conflict Settlement, Kontagora Emirate.
IRE Journals:
Nicholas Stephen Bonoh
"Traditional Rulers and the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Conflict Settlement in Kontagora Emirate, Niger State, Nigeria." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 630-656
Nicholas Stephen Bonoh
"Traditional Rulers and the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Conflict Settlement in Kontagora Emirate, Niger State, Nigeria." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)