An Assessment of the Need for Millennial Engagement in the Construction Management Practice in Nigeria
  • Author(s): Daniel Oluwatayomi Fadumo ; Ngozi Marykate Okoye ; Ejike Mbanefo Okeke
  • Paper ID: 1704927
  • Page: 192-195
  • Published Date: 18-08-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 2 August-2023

To attract more millennial into the practice, high school students or the younger generations must be targeted before they choose a lifetime career path so that they can be recruited and train via apprenticeship programs. The study adopted a secondary data through related journals to review the Need for Millennial Engagement in the Construction Management Practice in Nigeria. Relevant literature that address: the Need for Millennial Engagement in the Construction Management Practice in Nigeria, assesses the Construction as a Career Choice, Characteristics of Millennial, Need for Millennial in the Construction Practice in Nigeria, Targeting Millennial Admittance into the Construction Practice and Measures to Attract More Millennial To the Construction Industry were reviewed. The construction industry is had been facing a talent shortfall crisis as its workforce ages without replacement, the millennial generation have the largest age group and need a major adjustment in engagement models with different set of strategies for Motivation, engagement and retainment. It concludes and recommends that there is a need for thorough conscious mentoring from the older generation if the construction management practice will be sustained. The industry must like other organizations invest in creating a positive image and brand in the mind of the millennial (internal customers) and external customers; this will create a dynamic and an attractive industry where younger cohort or millennia’s can enter.


Millennial Engagement, Construction Management Practice, Career Choice, Construction Industry


IRE Journals:
Daniel Oluwatayomi Fadumo , Ngozi Marykate Okoye , Ejike Mbanefo Okeke "An Assessment of the Need for Millennial Engagement in the Construction Management Practice in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 192-195

Daniel Oluwatayomi Fadumo , Ngozi Marykate Okoye , Ejike Mbanefo Okeke "An Assessment of the Need for Millennial Engagement in the Construction Management Practice in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)