A Remote-Operated Humanoid Robot Based Patient Monitoring System
  • Author(s): U. I Abdullahi ; B. Muhammad ; A. O. Masari ; A. I Bugaje
  • Paper ID: 1704919
  • Page: 17-22
  • Published Date: 02-08-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 2 August-2023

This study presents the design and implementation of a remote-operated humanoid robot based patient monitoring system. The humanoid robot is been remotely operated by a healthcare personnel situated at the Nurse/Doctor station, and comprises Arduino Nano, HC-12 transceiver and FPV camera modules to provide a full duplex communication between patients and the healthcare personnel without coming in contact with each other. Furthermore, a Far-UVC 222nm lamp is embedded on the robot for self-decontamination after being in contact with the patients. Hence, provides an effective way of evaluating and monitoring patient’s medical condition without risking the life of any healthcare personnel. The experimental results obtained showed the system was able to measure the patient’s vitals as well as administer medications where necessary.


Arduino Nano, HC-12 Transceiver, Humanoid Robot, Far-UVC 222nm Lamp and FPV camera


IRE Journals:
U. I Abdullahi , B. Muhammad , A. O. Masari , A. I Bugaje "A Remote-Operated Humanoid Robot Based Patient Monitoring System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 17-22

U. I Abdullahi , B. Muhammad , A. O. Masari , A. I Bugaje "A Remote-Operated Humanoid Robot Based Patient Monitoring System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)