The use of internet has gained acceptance in organizations globally, which has heralded the creation of a new concept in marketing known as “e-Marketing”. The study examined the effect of the use of e-marketing tools on marketing performance of selected small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined the effect of social media platforms on sales volume and corporate image of selected SMEs in South East, Nigeria and the effect of company website on customer retention of SMEs in South East, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire administered to the target respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and hypotheses were tested with simple and multiple regression analyses models. Results of the analysis showed that the use of e-marketing tools has a significant impact on marketing performance measured by customer retention, corporate image and sales volume. Hence, the researchers concluded that e-marketing tools have positive and significant effect on customer retention, corporate image and the volume of goods and services sold by firms. E-Marketing tools offer organizations the opportunity to communicate with customers effectively which results in enhanced firm -customer relationship. Therefore, small and medium scale enterprises should continuously advance the use of these tools to enhance customer retention, corporate image and sales volume.
E-marketing, Marketing Performance, SMEs, Customer Retention, Sales Volume, and Corporate Image
IRE Journals:
Ijeoma Joy MACAULAY , Abasiama Asuquo MFON
"E-Marketing Tools and Marketing Performance of Selected Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in South East, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 455-474
Ijeoma Joy MACAULAY , Abasiama Asuquo MFON
"E-Marketing Tools and Marketing Performance of Selected Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in South East, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)