This study focused on managing aging aircraft in the Philippines, particularly on maintenance and handling. The study examined the current state of aging aircraft management in the country and identified the disadvantages that prevent determining maintenance and handling for aging aircraft. It also explored the participants' recommendations for improving the future management of aging aircraft. Data were collected from a sample of 35 participants through an online survey questionnaire, and the responses were analysed using frequency, percentage, mean, rank distribution, and Kruskal Wallis H-test. The findings suggested that the cost, downtime, training, complexity, error-prone, risk of damage, regulatory requirements, aging fleet, limited availability, technological advancements, health and environmental impact, and age and technological change are the main disadvantages that hinder the determination of maintenance and handling for aging aircraft. Several recommendations to improve the future management of aging aircraft in the Philippines, including the development of a comprehensive aging aircraft management program, establishment of a database, increase in training and education, adoption of new technologies, improvement in communication and collaboration, regular research and analysis, and compliance with international safety standards and regulations. The study's findings and recommendations can guide aircraft owners, operators, regulators, and other stakeholders in managing aging aircraft in the Philippines and other countries.
Aircraft Design, Economic Aging, Financial Aging, Maintenance Program, Safety, Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), Technical Aging of an aircraft.
IRE Journals:
Gilbert M. Camorongan
"Ageing Aircraft Maintenance and Handling" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 558-572
Gilbert M. Camorongan
"Ageing Aircraft Maintenance and Handling" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)