The Impact of Financial Literacy, Financial Technology, and Financial Behavior on Generation Z Financial Inclusion
  • Author(s): Muhammad Nur Fietroh
  • Paper ID: 1704886
  • Page: 299-307
  • Published Date: 15-07-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 1 July-2023

Communities are required to find solutions and solve existing economic problems, in order to meet their needs. There are more and more institutions, products and services offered in the market today. In facing this crisis, the industry has updated its system to compete in order to get customers so as to obtain maximum profits. Researcher must formulate research hypotheses and determine research variables. The next step is to select a research instrument. The next step is to determine the sampling technique and collect research data from the field. Data processing and analysis is carried out with the tabulation of data, data classification, descriptive analyzes, hypothesis testing and conclusion of the analysis results. Financial literacy helps increase Generation Z''s awareness of the importance of managing personal finances. Financial technology has significant potential to increase financial inclusion for Generation Z. Generation Z often lacks adequate financial education and knowledge during their school years. This can hinder their ability to manage personal finances well and take advantage of available financial products and services. Over all, the findings from the field show that financial literacy has an important role to play in increasing the financial inclusion of Generation Z. With a good understanding of finance and the skills acquired through financial literacy, Generation Z has a better chance to achieve financial stability, take advantage of investment opportunities, and manage their personal finances wisely.


Financial Literacy, Financial Technology, Financial Behavior, Financial Inclusion, Generation Z.


IRE Journals:
Muhammad Nur Fietroh "The Impact of Financial Literacy, Financial Technology, and Financial Behavior on Generation Z Financial Inclusion" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 299-307

Muhammad Nur Fietroh "The Impact of Financial Literacy, Financial Technology, and Financial Behavior on Generation Z Financial Inclusion" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)