The Hiring Process and Its Significance
  • Author(s): Akriti Mandal ; Dr. Reshma Shrivastava
  • Paper ID: 1704871
  • Page: 256-260
  • Published Date: 12-07-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 1 July-2023

The purpose of recruiting and selection procedures is to identify the best candidates for open positions in any type of organisation. In order to achieve the strategic aims and objectives of the employers and of the organisation as a whole, recruitment and selection are crucial processes in human resource management. They are created to make the most use of employee strength. It involves finding, shortlisting, and choosing the best applicants for the open jobs. Employers use hiring techniques and tactics that will help them accomplish their aims and objectives as an organisation. Understanding recruiting and selection processes is the major goal of this study article. The relevance of the many factors has been one of the primary considerations. one of the key components in the hiring process. To fulfil the company's primary aims and objectives, recruiting and selection are done with the intention of strengthening the workforce. Therefore, the procedure of seeking for, vetting, shortlisting, and choosing the best applicant to fill the necessary unfilled positions is referred to as recruitment and selection. In this research, we will look at the numerous elements of recruitment and selection, including the recruitment cycle, variables influencing recruitment, recruiting arrangements, recruiting techniques, recruitment interviews, selection interaction, and presenting a proposal. The phrase "recruitment" refers to the procedure of finding, attracting, meeting, choosing, recruiting, and onboarding representatives. Overall, it includes all aspects of staffing needs, from recognising them through satisfying them.


Crucial Processes, Tactics, Strengthening, Seeking, Vetting


IRE Journals:
Akriti Mandal , Dr. Reshma Shrivastava "The Hiring Process and Its Significance" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 256-260

Akriti Mandal , Dr. Reshma Shrivastava "The Hiring Process and Its Significance" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)