Human Resource Management for Recruitment and Selection Process
  • Author(s): Samiksha Kesharwani ; Dr. Annapurna Metta
  • Paper ID: 1704862
  • Page: 182-185
  • Published Date: 11-07-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 1 July-2023

One of the most important aspects of recruitment processor. The purpose of recruitment and selection is to increase worker strength in order to achieve the key goals and objectives of the company. Therefore, the process of locating, screening, shortlisting, and selecting the ideal candidate to fill the required open jobs is known as recruitment and selection. The many components of recruitment and selection, such as the recruitment cycle, factors impacting recruitment, recruiting arrangements, recruiting methods, recruitment interviews, selection interaction, and presenting a proposal, will be examined in this study. The term "Recruitment" refers to the process of identifying, luring, meeting, selecting, hiring, and onboarding representatives. Overall, it covers everything from identifying a staffing requirement through filling it. Depending on the size of an organisation, a variety of workers are responsible for recruiting. Some larger associations may have whole teams of enrollment specialists, whilst others may just have a single spotter. The employer's administrator may be responsible for enrolling in small outfits. Additionally, many groups review their decision to hire outside companies. Organisations frequently use notices, job sheets, online entertainment sites, and other methods to recruit candidates for new employment. The process of choosing the most logical candidate for an open post or a prospective position from rivals within the association or from the outside is known as selection. However, selecting the most suitable candidate for a job is never an easy chore because it may be quite difficult to screen newcomers and fill crucial positions for the organisation. It is based on the argument that a poor choice of representatives might negatively impact how the association is presented. The HR department begins the next round of the hiring process to identify the best candidate to carry it out. The main goal of this engagement is to identify the best candidate for the open vacancies.


Onboarding Representatives, Luring, Enrollment Specialists, Single Spotter, Rivals, Crucial Positions.


IRE Journals:
Samiksha Kesharwani , Dr. Annapurna Metta "Human Resource Management for Recruitment and Selection Process" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 182-185

Samiksha Kesharwani , Dr. Annapurna Metta "Human Resource Management for Recruitment and Selection Process" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)