Career development is a very important facet of any professional's life, especially in hierarchical organizations like the military. This study aims to assess the current career development program of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) officers in the Philippine Air Force. The study focuses on evaluating the effectiveness and relevance of the program, identifying gaps and issues, and recommending solutions for a more responsive and beneficial career development program. The statistical analysis of the data reveals that the current program is ineffective in supporting the goals of EOD officers and lacks training opportunities. Identified gaps and issues include the program's irrelevance to EOD officers, insufficient offerings and resources, lack of clear positions/assignments, and inadequate training for upgrading skill levels. The Kruskal Wallis H test shows that EOD officers across different units have similar perceptions about the program's current status, while there are no significant differences in their assessments of the program. The study recommends revising the current program to make it more relevant, providing continuous training and education for EOD officers, establishing a clear policy on career development, creating and enforcing milestone-based badges, including EOD officer's career path in basic training, offering more training aside from on-the-job training, and developing a career ladder and training program for EOD officers and other specialized personnel. These recommendations aim to improve the effectiveness and relevance of the career development program for EOD officers in the Philippine Air Force.
IRE Journals:
Tony A Pulido
"Career Development of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officers in the Philippine Air Force" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 172-181
Tony A Pulido
"Career Development of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officers in the Philippine Air Force" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)