Challenges, Issues and Opportunities in Digitalizing Teaching and Learning
  • Author(s): Ma. Karthlene M. Novo ; Ethel Reyes-Chua
  • Paper ID: 1704855
  • Page: 186-199
  • Published Date: 11-07-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 1 July-2023

The widespread use of technology and the digitalization of our daily lives are influencing the way society is today. The main purpose of the study was to identify the challenges, issues, and opportunities in digitalizing the teaching and learning. The participants answered the self-made survey questionnaire using the demographic profile in terms of age, gender, civil status, course, year level, monthly allowance, and employment status. It examined the challenges and issues encountered by the participants in the digitalization of the teaching and learning. It also examined the opportunities that were perceived by the participants. It showed a great significant relationship between the demographic profile, the challenges, issues, and opportunities of the digitalization based on the information gathered. Descriptive research was used in this study to determine the current conditions, practices, perceptions, processes, and precise interpretations regarding the data collected using statistical methods. This research methodology employed a deliberate process of data collection, analysis, categorization, and tabulation. The study found out that the participants agreed that the digitalization of teaching and learning presents new opportunities, challenges, and problems. For improving the digitalization of teaching and learning, many challenges, issues and opportunities, the results include the improvement of the Internet connectivity, educational technology, and the learning management system.


IRE Journals:
Ma. Karthlene M. Novo , Ethel Reyes-Chua "Challenges, Issues and Opportunities in Digitalizing Teaching and Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 186-199

Ma. Karthlene M. Novo , Ethel Reyes-Chua "Challenges, Issues and Opportunities in Digitalizing Teaching and Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)