This study aimed to improve the standard disruption management policy at Mactan-Cebu International Airport during weather standby by developing a detailed action plan for dealing with flight disruptions in terms of Emergency Response Plan as stated in the standard disruption management policy on Emergency Plan (EMPLAN) 10 - Weather Standby. The corresponding literature and studies, which were carefully selected for this study's scope based on their applicability, provided the researchers with a wide range of relevant information. A survey questionnaire was administered to thirty (30) airport personnel and passengers to identify deficiencies in procedures and coordination among key personnel. This observational study used a descriptive quantitative research design with random sampling. The researcher used the type of instrument of a survey questionnaire through google form. The experts in legal studies and aviation regulations validated the questionnaire to get pertinent data for this study and the answers were studied using the qualitative approach. Several statistical tools were used, including frequency and percentage to describe the demographic profile of participants, mean to determine the level of influence of key factors on airline disruption, and Kruskal-Wallis H to determine significant differences in the implementation of the standard disruption management policy during weather standby. The study found that while the standard disruption management policy was implemented, there were still areas that required improvement. The study recommended developing comprehensive training programs, improving communication channels, regularly reviewing and updating the policy, strengthening contingency planning and risk management processes, and implementing an incident reporting and feedback system. Implementing these recommendations will improve the airport's preparedness to respond to emergencies and disruptions caused by adverse weather conditions.
Airport, Disruption, Policy, Weather
IRE Journals:
Lovella C. De Leon
"Standard Disruption Management Policy at Mactan-Cebu International Airport" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 241-255
Lovella C. De Leon
"Standard Disruption Management Policy at Mactan-Cebu International Airport" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)