This study assessed the level of instructional management used by public secondary school teachers to carry out the Urdaneta City Division's campus journalism program. 53 campus journalism teachers and advisors from high schools served as the study's respondents. The extent of instructional management by Public Secondary School Teachers (PSSTs) in implementing the Campus Journalism Program was examined in this study using the descriptive-correlational research method, which establishes the relationship between factors affecting instructional management in terms of the respondent profile. To collect the required information, the researcher employed a questionnaire checklist and the complete enumeration technique. The research revealed that, for all profile characteristics taken into consideration, the respondent-PSST's instructional management to implement the college journalism (IMICJ) program is unimportant, except for the variable sex, where the t-test result suggests significance. Additionally, according to the coefficient of correlations, sex and the highest level of education are related to the degree to which the teachers implementing the campus journalism program manage their instructional activities. The other variables taken into account in this study, however, were unrelated to the respondents' instructional management practices.It is advised to conduct additional research on the instructional management of PSSTs who teach different courses at authorized graduate institutions like the UCU Institute of Graduate and Advance Studies.
Conference, Instructional Strategies, Journalistic Writing, Training
IRE Journals:
Julie Santiago Palaganas , Lelia V. Meimban, EdD
"Instructional Management by Public Secondary School Teachers in Implementing the Campus Journalism Program" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 93-104
Julie Santiago Palaganas , Lelia V. Meimban, EdD
"Instructional Management by Public Secondary School Teachers in Implementing the Campus Journalism Program" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)