A Study on Factors Effecting Employees’ Resistance towards Change in HIRA MAA Group
  • Author(s): Rahul Sarkar ; Dr. Gazala Yasmin Ashraf
  • Paper ID: 1704835
  • Page: 31-35
  • Published Date: 03-07-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 1 July-2023

The purpose of this research is to uncover the origins of resistance to change. We demonstrated how the causes of resistance varied most depending on the extent of change, and we made recommendations on where management should focus essential attention while conducting a change process. Resistance to change, preparation for change, effectiveness of leadership, employee engagement, and involvement in change efforts are the most frequent themes. One of these topics is resistance to change, which is the subject of this article. Managers who understand resistance may be able to decrease conflict and promote collaboration. Leaders must be taught and educated to get past opposition to change in order to face these difficulties. The objective of this article is to examine recently published research in order to uncover results that might help organisational change agents and managers resolve individual resistance to organisational change initiatives. The study offers significant practical help to change agents and managers in identifying and dealing with change resistance. It also investigates the psychological, cognitive and behavioural elements of each person's resistance and how they are influenced by: individual proclivities for willingness and resistance to change; individuals' assessments of the dangers and advantages of change; interaction, comprehension, participation, faith in management, management methods, and the nature of interactions with change agents.


Change, Organizational change, Change management, Resistance to Change


IRE Journals:
Rahul Sarkar , Dr. Gazala Yasmin Ashraf "A Study on Factors Effecting Employees’ Resistance towards Change in HIRA MAA Group" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 31-35

Rahul Sarkar , Dr. Gazala Yasmin Ashraf "A Study on Factors Effecting Employees’ Resistance towards Change in HIRA MAA Group" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)