Effectiveness of Aviation Maintenance Simulators for Aircraft Ground Operations
  • Author(s): Arjean S. Castillo ; Eleonor H. Calayag
  • Paper ID: 1704834
  • Page: 36-46
  • Published Date: 03-07-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 1 July-2023

Modern technology is being used in the aviation industry to impart knowledge and develop the abilities of aspiring professionals. We are now in a fast-paced changing industry. Simulators are used widely in diverse industries such as education, medical, safety and aviation. The program Aircraft Ground Operation course is for Aircraft Maintenance Technology (AMT) students of any aviation institution. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of aviation maintenance simulators for aircraft ground operations. The participants of the study were 60 students from Air Link International Aviation College who were taking Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology Course. The sample consisted of 30 students who had not yet used the simulator (pre-test group) and 30 students who had already used the simulator (post-test group). The selection of participants was based on their fundamental knowledge in aircraft ground operation and their ability to use the simulator in improving their skills. Pre- and post-tests were given to the students to collect information regarding the effectiveness of the aviation maintenance simulator in aircraft ground operations. The questionnaire covers all aspects of the aviation maintenance simulator, including the aircraft simulator, aircraft run-up and taxing, aircraft servicing, and aircraft troubleshooting. The study focused on the students' experiences and opinions of using the simulator, and their responses to the questionnaire served as the primary source of data for the study. The questionnaire aimed to collect data on the cognitive techniques used by the students during the simulation, as well as their perceptions of the simulator's effectiveness in improving their understanding of aircraft ground operation. These findings suggest that using the aircraft maintenance simulator enhances the knowledge and abilities of BSAMT students. The aviation maintenance simulator can be a valuable tool in enhancing the learning experience of BSAMT students and an advantage skill in applying to aviation field for their professional development and growth.


IRE Journals:
Arjean S. Castillo , Eleonor H. Calayag "Effectiveness of Aviation Maintenance Simulators for Aircraft Ground Operations" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 36-46

Arjean S. Castillo , Eleonor H. Calayag "Effectiveness of Aviation Maintenance Simulators for Aircraft Ground Operations" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)