Impact of Excessive Application of Agrochemicals on the Environment: Evidence from Ajigo Farm, Gwagwalada, Nigeria
  • Author(s): Uwazuruike Chiamaka Blessing ; John Osiroko Attah ; Lawrence Emmanuel Tolulade ; Lateefat Abiola Jimoh ; Mahama Musah; Taiwo Adeyemi Olutimehin
  • Paper ID: 1704827
  • Page: 122-134
  • Published Date: 06-07-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 1 July-2023

The finding was carried out to examine the effects of excessive application of agrochemical input on the environment. In doing so, the finding has on the basis of personal observation and secondary sources examined the side effects of agrochemicals used by the Ajigo farm and also the farmers at Deshi, and Dobi through their wrong applications, and its effect with evidence in the community. Environmental problems in Nigeria generally are many, diverse in nature, and are caused by man’s interaction with nature (environment) for exploits in several ways both in the rural area, and the cities; where industrial activities predominate, and rural areas; where agriculture thrives. And this finding shows that the wrong application of chemicals contributes to some of the environmental problems in Paiko, Deshi, and Dobi community. Through agricultural activities; man directly or indirectly creates problems that are detrimental to his health/survival, well-being, natural existence, and stability. The researchers observe that these problems are the consequence of environmental pollution through the wrong applications of agrochemicals which also degenerates into environmental degradation and several other hazards such as widespread epidemics, depletion of natural habitats, and thus; impede the socio-economic development of Nigeria as a nation. The necessary data for this finding were obtained from Ajigo farm, farmers, and residents at Paiko, Deshi, and Dobi communities in Gwagwalada, Abuja. One-hundred and twenty copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the selected residents and a total of one-hundred questionnaires were fully responded to and were utilized. This study reviewed that the impact of agrochemicals input on the environment shows that all the variables examined are good predators to the impact of agricultural chemicals input on Environment.


Environmental Effect, Fertilizer and Manure, Nitrate, Herbicide, Pesticides, Water Quality


IRE Journals:
Uwazuruike Chiamaka Blessing , John Osiroko Attah , Lawrence Emmanuel Tolulade , Lateefat Abiola Jimoh , Mahama Musah; Taiwo Adeyemi Olutimehin "Impact of Excessive Application of Agrochemicals on the Environment: Evidence from Ajigo Farm, Gwagwalada, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 122-134

Uwazuruike Chiamaka Blessing , John Osiroko Attah , Lawrence Emmanuel Tolulade , Lateefat Abiola Jimoh , Mahama Musah; Taiwo Adeyemi Olutimehin "Impact of Excessive Application of Agrochemicals on the Environment: Evidence from Ajigo Farm, Gwagwalada, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)