This study is focused on small-scale maize farmers climate change adaptation strategies in north central Nigeria. A total of four hundred and twenty-four (424) respondents were randomly selected for the study. Primary data were collected using a well-structured questionnaire and were analyzed using correlation, percentages and mean. The findings of the study show that many (37.3%) of the maize farmers were aged about 36 years. Males were 89.2% and 57.5% were married with secondary education (30.2%) as their highest qualification. The result also indicates that maize farmers have been coping through adaptation strategies such as: multiple cropping (3.15), early planting (3.05), improved varieties (3.02). In conclusion, small scale maize farmers in the study area use inorganic fertilizers, early planting of maize, planting of improved varieties of maize seed, use of loans, grants and subsidies as a climate change adaptation strategy. They do not use organic manure, irrigation and water storage and conservation, planting of trees, late planting of maize, early harvesting, use of pesticides, herbicides, prompt and multiple weeding as a climate change adaptation strategy. The study recommendations include: the practice of underground water storage for irrigation purpose especially during the period when the rainfall volume will be low and the need to sensitize farmers on climate change adaptation strategies for better yield.
Small-scale, Maize, Farmers, Climate change, Adaptation, Strategies
IRE Journals:
Alfa, Godwin Bernard
"Analysis of Small-scale Maize Farmers Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in North Central Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 72-78
Alfa, Godwin Bernard
"Analysis of Small-scale Maize Farmers Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in North Central Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)