Teachers of Mathematics in Public Secondary Schools' Instructional Tactics
  • Author(s): Welsie Tabion Cagabhion ; Napoleon U. Meimban, PhD
  • Paper ID: 1704823
  • Page: 1-13
  • Published Date: 01-07-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 1 July-2023

The primary focus of this study, which employed a descriptive-correlational research methodology, was on the pedagogical practices of public secondary school mathematics teachers in the SDO Urdaneta City. 38 public secondary school mathematics teachers who responded to a questionnaire were the source of the data. The solution to the specific issues raised in the study was discovered through data analysis. According to this survey, women make up the majority of PSSMT respondents, and they tend to fall into one of two age groups: 20 to 29 years old or older. In addition, the majority of them had received pertinent training at the district and division levels. It was found that the PSSMTs in the SDO of Urdaneta City effectively implemented the necessary pedagogical practices for integrating computer-based instruction and a blended education strategy to fulfill the needs of the learners and improve the performance of the students in mathematics. They have all the necessary tools to deliver effective computer-based and integrated education methods thanks to the seminars the DepEd organized for the teachers' ongoing professional development. The researcher further recommended that PSSMTs conduct training on various pedagogical practices with a focus on computer-based instruction and blended learning instruction in order to enhance teachers' capacity to deliver mathematics instruction and to achieve a parallel study on the efficacy of computer-based instruction and integrated instruction approach in enhancing students' performance in mathematics.


Public Secondary School, Pedagogical Practices, Mathematics Teachers, Education Strategy, Teaching Styles


IRE Journals:
Welsie Tabion Cagabhion , Napoleon U. Meimban, PhD "Teachers of Mathematics in Public Secondary Schools' Instructional Tactics" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 1-13

Welsie Tabion Cagabhion , Napoleon U. Meimban, PhD "Teachers of Mathematics in Public Secondary Schools' Instructional Tactics" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)