English Junior High School Teachers' Methods for Assessment
  • Author(s): Mary Joy Morales Andrada ; Napoleon U. Meimban, PhD
  • Paper ID: 1704812
  • Page: 1099-1112
  • Published Date: 29-06-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 12 June-2023

The evaluation procedures used by English teachers in junior high schools were uncovered by the study. In this study, 63 junior high school teachers from the 22 secondary schools in the Urdaneta City Division participated by responding to a questionnaire using the descriptive-correlation research method. According to the study, diagnostic, formative, summative, and other evaluation procedures were used by junior high school instructors in Urdaneta City Division. In addition, gender, the highest level of education, and teacher attitudes all have a substantial impact on how junior high school English teachers are evaluated. The study found that the JHST in English is in the prime of their career as a teacher and is well qualified in terms of their level of education and teaching philosophy. There is plenty of room to upgrade and improve junior high school teachers' extent of evaluation practices from the evident level to the very evident level, but the majority have not completed their master's degrees or received enough pertinent training. The JHSTs teaching English are a homogeneous group who do not significantly differ in their extent of evaluation practices; the Proposed Training Matrix for Enhancing the Evaluation Practices of Junior High School Teachers in English has a solid foundation; and there is a need to improve the academic profile of the respondent- JHST teaching English by encouraging them to enroll and graduate with their respective master's degrees.


Evaluation Practices, Level of Education, Master’s Degree, Teaching Philosophy


IRE Journals:
Mary Joy Morales Andrada , Napoleon U. Meimban, PhD "English Junior High School Teachers' Methods for Assessment" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 1099-1112

Mary Joy Morales Andrada , Napoleon U. Meimban, PhD "English Junior High School Teachers' Methods for Assessment" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)