Investment Behavior Among Youth in Central India
  • Author(s): Priyanka Sahu ; Dr Monica Sainy
  • Paper ID: 1704806
  • Page: 1123-1128
  • Published Date: 29-06-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 12 June-2023

Investment behavior among youth in Central India is an important area of research given the significant impact of financial decisions on long-term financial stability and economic growth. This study aims to investigate the investment behavior of youth in Central India, including their investment preferences, decision-making processes, and barriers to investment. A mixed-methods approach will be used, combining a survey of 140 youth aged 18-30 with qualitative interviews with a subset of participants. The survey will collect data on investment behavior, financial literacy, risk perception, socioeconomic status, and cultural factors, while the interviews will provide deeper insights into participants' experiences and perceptions of investment. The study aims to identify the key factors that influence investment behavior among youth in Central India and inform the development of targeted interventions to improve investment outcomes. The findings will contribute to the existing literature on investment behavior in emerging markets and have implications for policymakers, financial institutions, and youth-focused organizations.


Investment Behavior, Youth, Central India, Financial Decisions, Long-Term Financial Stability, Economic Growth, Investment Behavior, Financial Literacy, Risk Perception


IRE Journals:
Priyanka Sahu , Dr Monica Sainy "Investment Behavior Among Youth in Central India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 1123-1128

Priyanka Sahu , Dr Monica Sainy "Investment Behavior Among Youth in Central India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)