A Study on Factors Affecting Compulsive Buying Behavior of Credit Card Consumers with Reference to Gorakhpur City, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Author(s): Shivam Kakkar ; Dr. Bharti Shukla
  • Paper ID: 1704781
  • Page: 1074-1085
  • Published Date: 29-06-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 12 June-2023

Compulsive buying can be driven by an inner urge such as stress, anxiety, materialism etc. and shopping or spending is a break away from the inner urge. Compulsive buying could lead to habit-forming buying once it becomes a necessity to unendingly pay to relieve stress or anxiety. This study investigates the factors affecting compulsive buying Behavior in credit card users and studies the impact of the increase in the number of credit card ownership. To achieve the research objectives three hypotheses were developed and these factors; occupation, income, education and marital status were found to have a significant association with compulsive purchase tendency. The relevance of a compulsive buying Behavior scale created by (Valence et al., 1988) with buyers in Gorakhpur is examined. The findings of the research contribute to the knowledge, customer, marketer, as well as the policymaker. The study has only captured consumers of Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India and should not be generalized across other demographics and national consumers.


Compulsive Buying, Credit Card, Consumer, Income, Occupation, Marital Status.


IRE Journals:
Shivam Kakkar , Dr. Bharti Shukla "A Study on Factors Affecting Compulsive Buying Behavior of Credit Card Consumers with Reference to Gorakhpur City, Uttar Pradesh, India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 1074-1085

Shivam Kakkar , Dr. Bharti Shukla "A Study on Factors Affecting Compulsive Buying Behavior of Credit Card Consumers with Reference to Gorakhpur City, Uttar Pradesh, India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)