An Empirical Study on Customer Satisfaction Related to Telecommunication Services (A Comparative Analysis of Airtel and Jio Services)
  • Author(s): Ayushi Mishra ; Dr Imran N. Siddiqui
  • Paper ID: 1704771
  • Page: 1039-1047
  • Published Date: 28-06-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 12 June-2023

This study's primary goal is to analyse and comprehend consumer satisfaction with regard to Bharti Airtel, a well-known Indian provider of telecommunications services. The study's objectives are to pinpoint the major variables that affect customer satisfaction and investigate the link between that component and loyalty. This study intends to provide useful insights that can help Bharti Airtel in enhancing their service quality, improving client experiences, and cultivating long-term customer loyalty by performing a thorough investigation of customer perceptions and experiences. A mixed-methods approach is used in the research design, integrating quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. The quantitative surveys are carried out to collect information from a sample of Bharti Airtel customers that is representative, enabling a systematic examination of their satisfaction levels across many dimensions like service quality, network performance, and other factors.


Customer Satisfaction, Bharti Airtel, Telecom Industry, Service Quality, Customer Experience, Customer Perception, Service Reliability, Network Coverage


IRE Journals:
Ayushi Mishra , Dr Imran N. Siddiqui "An Empirical Study on Customer Satisfaction Related to Telecommunication Services (A Comparative Analysis of Airtel and Jio Services)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 1039-1047

Ayushi Mishra , Dr Imran N. Siddiqui "An Empirical Study on Customer Satisfaction Related to Telecommunication Services (A Comparative Analysis of Airtel and Jio Services)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)