Plaza Burgos in Guagua, Pampanga has high demand for public transportation. However, the space around it is not large enough to accommodate all vehicles. Having no permanent terminal for PUJs forced them to park on the road shoulder, which caused the main road to be congested. Conducted Cordon Volume Counts (CVC) and Short-Term Counts resulted in a low Peak Hour Factor (PHF), indicating unstable traffic flow within the area. The Black Hole Theory of road investment, also known as Braess’ paradox, states that adding a road to a road network may restrict its flow. The solution is building more parking lots, such as vertical infrastructures, to provide better facilities and relieve traffic congestion. The researchers designed a three-story terminal car parking conforming to codes in NSCP 2015, UBC 1997, AISC, and ASEP with the aid of STAAD. The proponents concluded that designing a steel structure for terminal parking is lightweight, and its structural components improve the structure's sustainability. These building materials have advantages over other materials, including minimizing weight while maintaining high mechanical strength, permitting modular pieces, improving quality control, making prefabrication easier, eliminating moisture-related dimensional changes, and being inexpensive.
Queuing, Steel Structure, Structural Analysis and Design, Traffic Manual Counts
IRE Journals:
Quizon, May Anne B. , Baluyut, Brizha G. , Capati, Aby S.; Guevarra, Angela Marie A. , Peñaflor, Winzhel Lyca B.; Sagmit, Madilaine Jin C. , Belulia, Christian Milan Ivan H; Coronel, Carl Jayson A.
"Proposed Multi-Storey Terminal Parking for PUJs to Alleviate Traffic Congestion in Plaza Burgos, Guagua, Pampanga" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 967-985
Quizon, May Anne B. , Baluyut, Brizha G. , Capati, Aby S.; Guevarra, Angela Marie A. , Peñaflor, Winzhel Lyca B.; Sagmit, Madilaine Jin C. , Belulia, Christian Milan Ivan H; Coronel, Carl Jayson A.
"Proposed Multi-Storey Terminal Parking for PUJs to Alleviate Traffic Congestion in Plaza Burgos, Guagua, Pampanga" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)