Solid Waste Management Program Implementation Combating Hazardous Impairment
  • Author(s): Jubilee H. Navalta-Salagubang ; Dr. Russel V. Santos
  • Paper ID: 1704727
  • Page: 787-796
  • Published Date: 23-06-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 12 June-2023

The implementation of a Solid Waste Management (SWM) program is a critical step in tackling the growing problems of waste management and environmental contamination. The study used a descriptive research design. The study's respondents are 382 people who were picked at random. The major data collection instrument for the study was a questionnaire checklist. This study aims to determine the extent of solid waste management program implementation as measured by Local Government Unit officials and Umingan community inhabitants. It can be used to swiftly determine the strategies used by barangay officials. Funding the significant differences in the barangay officials' decisions based on sex, age, and years of service is also essential. To acquire a clear picture of the barangay official's decision-making, a descriptive survey was used in the majority of cases. To identify the different modes of thought employed by the barangay officials, the researcher tallied up the individual responses' scores for each indicator of the six thinking caps. The statistical significance of the difference between the thinking headwear of male and female barangay council members was determined using the t-test. The findings show that the overall mean for the extent of implementation as measured by LGU officials is 3.46, which was interpreted as implemented, and for community people has 3.34 mean average, which was viewed as slightly implemented. Furthermore, the significant difference between the amount of SWM implementation as measured by LGU personnel and residents has a p-value of 1.923 and a significant 2-tailed p-value of 0.70 based on the findings that there is a significant difference. On the other hand, based on the data, the overall mean for the problems faced by LGU personnel is 3.35, which was considered as slightly challenging Furthermore, the significant association between the extent of implementation and the challenges faced by the LGU Personnel's demonstrates a significant relationship to the challenges encountered by the Personnel on the execution of the SWM program. As a result, the study suggests that the strict application of SWM be carefully monitored, and that information dissemination be used in the Umingan municipality.


Barangay officials, Implementation, Solid Waste Management, Local Government Unit, Challenges Encountered


IRE Journals:
Jubilee H. Navalta-Salagubang , Dr. Russel V. Santos "Solid Waste Management Program Implementation Combating Hazardous Impairment" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 787-796

Jubilee H. Navalta-Salagubang , Dr. Russel V. Santos "Solid Waste Management Program Implementation Combating Hazardous Impairment" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)