Unlocking Academic Excellence- Evaluating the Impact of Learner-Centered Teaching on BSED GEN SCI Students of Baguio Central University
  • Author(s): Dr. Michael Tomas Sebullen ; Lorelie S. Malit
  • Paper ID: 1704682
  • Page: 545-549
  • Published Date: 17-06-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 12 June-2023

This quasi-experimental study examines the effectiveness of a learner-centered approach among BSED Gen-Sci students at Baguio Central University (BCU). The focus is on evaluating student engagement and understanding using qualitative method. The research focuses on the assessment of the students’ behavior in the classroom and their level of engagement and understanding. Results from both sets of tests were compared, analyzed, and treated with 2-group tests, regression, and time-series analyses which have their own assumptions, data requirements, strengths, and limitations. Standardized tests were used to collect data, and the findings revealed that the learner-centered approach was effective in engaging the students and that the techniques used by the teachers included group collaboration, unlocking of unfamiliar words, lecture methods, answering of preliminary activities/exercises, problem solving, and giving reading materials and reading comprehension. The results of a quasi-experimental study suggest that the use of learner-centered instructional materials, such as realia, science models and dioramas, localized videos, and indigenous sources, is an effective method for addressing the needs of diverse BSED Gen-Sci students.


Learner-centered approach, science teaching, effectiveness, teaching strategy


IRE Journals:
Dr. Michael Tomas Sebullen , Lorelie S. Malit "Unlocking Academic Excellence- Evaluating the Impact of Learner-Centered Teaching on BSED GEN SCI Students of Baguio Central University" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 545-549

Dr. Michael Tomas Sebullen , Lorelie S. Malit "Unlocking Academic Excellence- Evaluating the Impact of Learner-Centered Teaching on BSED GEN SCI Students of Baguio Central University" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)