Intervening Strategies for Addressing Conflict and Disintegration in Legio Maria Church in Kisumu County
  • Author(s): Sylivester Bifwoli Wakoli ; Risper Namasaka Wepukhulu ; Stanley Ngome Mutsotso
  • Paper ID: 1704668
  • Page: 424-427
  • Published Date: 15-06-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 12 June-2023

This research study aimed to identify the root causes of conflict and disintegration in the Legio Maria church in Kisumu County and develop effective strategies for addressing them. The study used a mixed-method approach, including surveys, interviews, and document analysis, to gather data from members, leaders, and stakeholders of the church. The study identified several root causes of conflict and disintegration, including leadership struggles, doctrinal differences, financial mismanagement, and social and cultural factors. Based on the findings, the study developed several effective strategies for addressing conflict and disintegration, including mediation, conflict resolution, communication, and leadership training. The study evaluated the effectiveness of different interventions and found that those that focused on improving communication, promoting unity and collaboration, and providing leadership training were the most effective. The evaluation of the impact of interventions on the Legio Maria church in Kisumu County showed that the interventions had a positive impact on reducing conflict, promoting unity, and improving church health. The study provides valuable insights into the root causes of conflict and disintegration in religious organizations and offers practical recommendations for addressing these issues. By implementing the strategies and interventions recommended by the study, the Legio Maria church in Kisumu County can promote unity, collaboration, and a healthier church community.


Intervening strategies, conflict, disintegration, Legio Maria Church, Kisumu County.


IRE Journals:
Sylivester Bifwoli Wakoli , Risper Namasaka Wepukhulu , Stanley Ngome Mutsotso "Intervening Strategies for Addressing Conflict and Disintegration in Legio Maria Church in Kisumu County" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 424-427

Sylivester Bifwoli Wakoli , Risper Namasaka Wepukhulu , Stanley Ngome Mutsotso "Intervening Strategies for Addressing Conflict and Disintegration in Legio Maria Church in Kisumu County" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)