Fire Hazards Awareness and Preparedness among the Residents of Bwari Area Council, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
  • Author(s): Akanmu, Williams Paul ; Arokoyo, Sandra
  • Paper ID: 1704577
  • Page: 51-60
  • Published Date: 03-06-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 12 June-2023

Fire disaster has become so alarming and has remained one of the major threats to man’s survival, livelihood, security and have affected the environment on a global scale. Resident’s awareness and effective community preparedness will reduce vulnerability from inevitable events of fire destruction. The aim of this study was to assess the level of awareness of responses of residents of Bwari area council in the event of fire hazards and to investigate resident’s fire hazard preparedness and response in the council area. The study employed the administration of multistage random sampling and interviews using questionnaires among the residents to assess the level of awareness in the council area and that of personal observation through checklists to assess the area council’s preparedness to handle fire outbreaks. The data collected were analysed using the SSPS and ANOVA statistical techniques and presented using tables. The study found that the majority of the respondents do not attach seriousness to the issue of fire safety in the area surveyed, hence, fire safety awareness is very low amongst most of the area council residents. The results further showed that the area council doses not inspect compliance with any fire disaster preparedness bylaws. The study recommended that the area council should organize intermittent training for the residents and also ensure regular inspection on compliance with fire disaster preparedness. more sensitization among residents to be organized covering all areas under the study area.


Awareness, Bwari Area Council, Federal Capital Territory, Fire disaster, Fire hazards, Preparedness.


IRE Journals:
Akanmu, Williams Paul , Arokoyo, Sandra "Fire Hazards Awareness and Preparedness among the Residents of Bwari Area Council, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 12 2023 Page 51-60

Akanmu, Williams Paul , Arokoyo, Sandra "Fire Hazards Awareness and Preparedness among the Residents of Bwari Area Council, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(12)