The never-ending quest for a quicker internet connection, as well as the ever-increasing need for creative technology and methods, both require ongoing innovation. (WiFi) is a wonderful benefit, but it also has certain drawbacks, and as connection expands, both in various locations in the Internet of Things (IoT), these drawbacks are likely to become more pronounced. problems will arise where WiFi is the only option we have. . As a result, a technology called Light Fidelity (LiFi) was developed in 2011, with speeds of over 1 gigabyte per second ( Gbps) , which is a hundred times faster than the speed of Wi-Fi currently in use . LiFi speeds are also expected to reach 3-5 Gbps , making it ideal for the Internet of Things and removing the limitations and limitations associated with WiFi technology. In this article, we trace the concept of combining IoT and LiFi and identify the potentials and challenges that embedded system presents in the development of innovative and intelligent solutions.
Internet from things, Internet Of Things, Wireless loyalty, Wireless.
IRE Journals:
Amit Kumar Jaiswal
"Challenges and Opportunities of Integration of Wireless Network with IoT" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 11 2023 Page 220-229
Amit Kumar Jaiswal
"Challenges and Opportunities of Integration of Wireless Network with IoT" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(11)