A revolution is about to take place in the world of work as a result of the existence of artificial intelligence (AI) and the automation of employment. On the other hand, this might put a damper on human potential in terms of career opportunities. This study was carried out to investigate the impact that artificial intelligence (AI) and automation would have on human employment. A descriptive qualitative methodology will be used in the course of conducting this study. The data that was utilised in this study came from a variety of research outcomes and earlier studies that continue to examine the use of artificial intelligence and automation in the working environment. According to the findings of this research, AI and automation are presently taking the place of many employment. However, there are aspects of human intellect that are difficult for AI to replicate, such as intuition and empathy. These aspects are still in the process of being developed. Even though the existence of artificial intelligence and automation poses a potential risk to humans working in the workforce, the increase in human resource skills will ensure that humans who are able to adapt will not be replaced by machines. Instead, there will be an integration of human and machine labour, in which AI and automation do not replace humans but rather serve as tools for human work.
Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Work, Humans.
IRE Journals:
Kapil Kumar Gupta
"The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Job Market and Workforce" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 11 2023 Page 151-162
Kapil Kumar Gupta
"The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Job Market and Workforce" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(11)