The Effects of Road Infrastructures on the Socio-Economic Development of Rural Dwellers in Kwara State: An Analysis Using ANOVA and Blocking Variable Model
  • Author(s): Aworemi Joshua, Remi. ; Abiri O. N. ; Adebanjo, A.A. ; Oladele, T. O.
  • Paper ID: 1704404
  • Page: 518-524
  • Published Date: 23-05-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 11 May-2023

This study analyzes the effects of road infrastructures on the socio-economic development of rural dwellers in Kwara State, Nigeria, using ANOVA and blocking variable model. The study finds that road infrastructures, education level, marital status, and access to education are significant predictors of socio-economic development among rural dwellers in Kwara State. The blocking variable model was used to control for potential confounding variables that may influence the outcomes of the study, ensuring that any observed differences in socio-economic development outcomes between groups are due to the effects of road infrastructure and not due to other factors. The study's findings can inform policy decisions aimed at improving the socio-economic development of rural areas in Kwara State.


Rural Development, Road Infrastructure, Agricultural Productivity, Markets, Poverty, Social Services


IRE Journals:
Aworemi Joshua, Remi. , Abiri O. N. , Adebanjo, A.A. , Oladele, T. O. "The Effects of Road Infrastructures on the Socio-Economic Development of Rural Dwellers in Kwara State: An Analysis Using ANOVA and Blocking Variable Model" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 11 2023 Page 518-524

Aworemi Joshua, Remi. , Abiri O. N. , Adebanjo, A.A. , Oladele, T. O. "The Effects of Road Infrastructures on the Socio-Economic Development of Rural Dwellers in Kwara State: An Analysis Using ANOVA and Blocking Variable Model" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(11)