Struggles and Coping Mechanism of Students in an Online Learning: Paulinian Perspective
  • Author(s): Dr. Regidor T. Carale ; Dr. Marissa M. Carale ; Edsel T. Carale
  • Paper ID: 1704347
  • Page: 739-748
  • Published Date: 30-04-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 10 April-2023

The COVID-19 epidemic posed a major threat to several industries, including education. As a result, most educational institutions were forced to offer both synchronous and asynchronous learning modalities. Examining the students’ ability to adapt to changing conditions is more critical than ever in dealing with the uncertainty and changing circumstances surrounding the implementation of online learning. Concerns about the efficacy, validity, and adaptability of internal quality assurance procedures prompted an abrupt shift in teaching, learning, and assessment practices because of the pandemic. This study used a descriptive quantitative technique with percentages and weighted means, as well as Pearson r correlation, t test, and ANOVA to thoroughly examine the data. The study's overall goal is to understand about students' problems and coping techniques when they're learning online. The survey included 249 high school students. Stress, burnout because of difficult requirements and activities, power outages, overburdening of teachings and activities, and a lack of physical activity that makes pupils weak and inactive in class were some of the major discoveries highlighted in terms of problems. Students used the internet to look for information, learn to accept responsibilities, and communicate openly with peers as part of their coping mechanisms. It was suggested that a variety of teaching and learning activities be used to improve physical activity by incorporating family members and significant others, and that project horizontal and vertical articulation be used to develop multidisciplinary and deeper understanding of outcomes.


Struggles and coping mechanism


IRE Journals:
Dr. Regidor T. Carale , Dr. Marissa M. Carale , Edsel T. Carale "Struggles and Coping Mechanism of Students in an Online Learning: Paulinian Perspective" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 10 2023 Page 739-748

Dr. Regidor T. Carale , Dr. Marissa M. Carale , Edsel T. Carale "Struggles and Coping Mechanism of Students in an Online Learning: Paulinian Perspective" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(10)