The main aim of this work. It paradigm of multicultural society is presented in the novel and the instability of identity and family relationships. Second-generation immigrants living in London are trying to mix it up. Dominant culture (British culture) and its family culture have different identities. Zadie Smith's first novel, White Teeth (2000), analyzes the diverse and multicultural society of modern London. Roots and History of First-Generation Immigrants have made identity issues for the second generation in the novel.
Multiculturalism, Identity, Family relation
IRE Journals:
Janani L. , Dr. Kanchana C. M
"Paradigm of Multicultural Societal Disposition in Zadie Smith's White Teeth" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 10 2023 Page 646-647
Janani L. , Dr. Kanchana C. M
"Paradigm of Multicultural Societal Disposition in Zadie Smith's White Teeth" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(10)