Food culture differences based on Billie's suffering in Ruth Reicel's "Delicious"
  • Author(s): M. Shruthi ; Saranya. M
  • Paper ID: 1704325
  • Page: 580-582
  • Published Date: 27-04-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 10 April-2023

Literature in a nutshell, is a reflection of the culture and traditions of language or people. The idea of literature is formally defines by numerous people, however it is clear that this definition is constantly evolving and changing. The term is historically used to refer to those inventive poems and writing is defined by the author’s goal and deemed aesthetic superior quality of their implementation. Literature can be categorized in a number of wayslanguage, national origin, historical era, genre and subject matter. American literature is written or produces in the United States, the British colonies has a significant impact on its eastern coast. As a result, the American literary tradition began. It is the part of the largest English literary tradition. The period of revolution is Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin and others are known for their political works and Thomas Jefferson’s United States declared of Independence was written in suffering. Demanded recognition for him as a key nineteenth century American author. Ruth reichlpraised for hernonfiction writing. “Tender At the Bone” and “Comfort Me with Apples” are two of the best selling memoirs, functioned as the restaurant critic for THE NEWYORK Times. She was also Gourmet magazine’s chief editor. As Ruth Reichl explained about thatJeremy Hobson says, “When I was the restaurant critic of THE NEW YORK Times, I wrotethese disguises and I liked inhabiting someone else, and it was king of a practice for creating fiction”. Ruth Reichl turns her talents to fiction in her new book “Delicious!”


Food, Culture and Suffering.


IRE Journals:
M. Shruthi , Saranya. M "Food culture differences based on Billie's suffering in Ruth Reicel's "Delicious"" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 10 2023 Page 580-582

M. Shruthi , Saranya. M "Food culture differences based on Billie's suffering in Ruth Reicel's "Delicious"" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(10)