Authentify - Blockchain Based Counterfeit Product Detection
  • Author(s): Shubham Musale ; Devansh Kar ; Avinash Kaklij ; Prof. Tanmayee Kute
  • Paper ID: 1704316
  • Page: 595-599
  • Published Date: 27-04-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 10 April-2023

In recent years, Fake products play an important role in product manufacturing industries. This affects the com- pany’s name, sales, and profit of the companies. Blockchain technology is used to identification of real products and detects fake products. With the rapid rise of Blockchain technology, it has become known that data recorded within Blockchain is immutable and secure. Hence, the proposed project there uses this concept to handle the transfer of ownership of products. Hence, customers or users do not need to rely on third-party users for confirmation of product safety. In this project, with emerg- ing trends in mobile and wireless technology, Quick Response (QR) codes provide a robust technique to fight the practice of counterfeiting products. counterfeit products are detected using a QR code scanner, where the QR code of the product is linked to a Blockchain. So this system may be used to store product details and generated unique codes of that product as blocks in the database. It collects the unique code from the user and compares the code against entries in the Blockchain database. If the code matches, it will give inform the customer, otherwise it will give tell the customer that the product is fake.


Blockchain, Counterfeit Product Scams, QR Code


IRE Journals:
Shubham Musale , Devansh Kar , Avinash Kaklij , Prof. Tanmayee Kute "Authentify - Blockchain Based Counterfeit Product Detection" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 10 2023 Page 595-599

Shubham Musale , Devansh Kar , Avinash Kaklij , Prof. Tanmayee Kute "Authentify - Blockchain Based Counterfeit Product Detection" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(10)