Impact of Blockchain on Social Networking Sites
  • Author(s): Tejasriya Kumar ; Siddharth Peddi ; Raj Animesh ; Yvan Christ ; MD Piyas; Anita Walia
  • Paper ID: 1704296
  • Page: 367-382
  • Published Date: 20-04-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 10 April-2023

Social media is evolving, and so is the technology that enables it. What was once primarily used to connect with people has morphed into a platform for sharing opinions, marketing businesses, launching campaigns, and offering new and creative career opportunities. Blockchain social media, with its decentralized and distributed networks, offers a plausible solution to such issues. Among other things, they enable users to assert greater control over their data. Moreover, in the absence of any centralized authority, users on these networks benefit from greater privacy. In turn, this upholds the freedom of speech and expression, relieving users of the miseries of being prosecuted for their thoughts on social media. Most decentralized social media platforms also enable their users to earn cryptocurrencies upon posting and interacting. However, despite the many benefits, such uncensored platforms are rife with opportunities for criminal activities, which undermine the purpose of ensuring freedom. That said, regulations may be necessary to ensure that decentralized blockchain social media’s ideals are actualized to provide benefits and not harm. In all, this domain’s prospects are diverse and with proper handling, these may transform the way we interact on the internet. This research paper will explore the advantages and disadvantages of blockchain technology in general. It will also explore the pros and cons of blockchain with relation to social media and in particular social networking sites.


IRE Journals:
Tejasriya Kumar , Siddharth Peddi , Raj Animesh , Yvan Christ , MD Piyas; Anita Walia "Impact of Blockchain on Social Networking Sites" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 10 2023 Page 367-382

Tejasriya Kumar , Siddharth Peddi , Raj Animesh , Yvan Christ , MD Piyas; Anita Walia "Impact of Blockchain on Social Networking Sites" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(10)