Automatic License Plate Recognition System
  • Author(s): Rosaline A. Eke ; Stella I. Orakwue
  • Paper ID: 1704227
  • Page: 182-189
  • Published Date: 12-04-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 10 April-2023

A fast, accurate and reliable vehicle plate recognition system is a useful tool that will help stem the rising tide of vehicle theft and traffic violations perpetuated in society and improve the overall safety of our roads.Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system is a real-time embedded system that recognizes the license plate of vehicles.The model proposed in this work for implementing the ALPR system uses an open-source C/C++ library called Open ALPR, based on OpenCV, Leptonica and Tesseract-OCR. The goal of the system is to use image processing to identify number plates on images of vehicles and also in a video stream. The hardware is implemented with Raspberry Pi zero, and a Pi camera module. The operating system which would run on the Raspberry pi is known as the Raspbian Jessie Pixel, a Linux distribution built for the Raspberry Pi which is more or less a combination of Raspberry and Debian. Results showed that the model has an accuracy of 97.6% for image extraction, 96% for character segmentation and 98.8% for character recognition. The overall systemperformance whichis a product of all unit’s accuracy rates (Extraction of plate region, segmentation of characters and recognition of characters) shows an improvement from existing models.


Automatic License Plate Recognition, Character segmentation, Optical Character Recognition, OpeCV, Leptonica


IRE Journals:
Rosaline A. Eke , Stella I. Orakwue "Automatic License Plate Recognition System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 10 2023 Page 182-189

Rosaline A. Eke , Stella I. Orakwue "Automatic License Plate Recognition System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(10)