A project is a temporary endeavor which utilizes specified human and financial resources. Each project has its specific and set objectives. Monitoring on the other hand is the assessment of a project status against planned deliverables and inputs among other things. It is achieved through continuous data gathering, collection, assessment and analysis. The main purpose of this study was to assess the influence project planning as a technique on the performance of Rural Electrification projects in Kenya: a case study of Trans Nzoia County. Descriptive survey is used for collecting information by use of questionnaires or conducting interviews to specific sampled individuals. The target population will be the project management department, marketing department, county business manager and the ward managers. Quantitative data gathered from closed ended questions will be post-coded, entered and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22.0); tabulated and presented using descriptive statistics and correlational analysis. The descriptive analysis established that there is adequate planning in the part of the company and that there is adequate staff to implement the rural electrification projects in the county. Regression analysis revealed that the negative estimate coefficient value of -3.194 indicated that for every one unit increase in the project planning, there is a predicted decrease of -3.194 in the log-odds of being on a higher level on the performance of rural electrification projects in Trans Nzoia County
Project planning, performance of Rural Electrification projects
IRE Journals:
Wang’ombe Jane Wambui , Duncan Nyaberi
"Influence of Project Planning On the Performance of Rural Electrification Projects in Trans Nzoia County" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 9 2023 Page 322-326
Wang’ombe Jane Wambui , Duncan Nyaberi
"Influence of Project Planning On the Performance of Rural Electrification Projects in Trans Nzoia County" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(9)