Crop Prediction using Machine Learning
  • Author(s): Tushar Gupta ; Dr. Sunil Maggu ; Bhaskar Kapoor
  • Paper ID: 1704207
  • Page: 279-284
  • Published Date: 29-03-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 9 March-2023

India is the second in agriculture production and majority of people in India opt agriculture as their profession. Farmers just keep growing the same crops over ans over as they don’t know much about soil condition so they use random amount of fertilisers to grow crops. This will eventually increase the acidification of soil and damages the upper layer of soil. So, to overcome these scenarios we, design a Machine Learning model for farmers. Our model helps the farmer by suggesting the best crop to be grown according to the weather ans soil conditions. Hence by using our model farmers can know about different type of crops they have to grow so that they can increase their production which leads to increase their profit and minimise the soil pollution. So a crop prediction model using machine learning is used to solve the issue and for that it takes input of various factors such as Soil condition, weather parameters and historical data of the crops and by using this information a model can predict about future crop that should be grown, which helps the users/farmers to decide that which crop is best to grow in current scenario. The model is trained with the historical data of the crops and the relevant different parameters such as water parameters and soil conditions. The training and testing of the data is totally dependent upon our dataset and by the help of that we are able to know about the accuracy of our model. Overall, all farmers are not literate and have less knowledge of the soil condition and weather condition by which the soil degrades due to the excess use of pesticides and insecticides or the crop is not yield as good as it has to be due to lack to nutrients in the soil so to remove all the issues farmers can use this crop prediction model to gain more profit and minimising the acidification of the soil.


Crop prediction, Machine Learning Models, Soil Checking, Crop Recommendation, Rainfall prediction


IRE Journals:
Tushar Gupta , Dr. Sunil Maggu , Bhaskar Kapoor "Crop Prediction using Machine Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 9 2023 Page 279-284

Tushar Gupta , Dr. Sunil Maggu , Bhaskar Kapoor "Crop Prediction using Machine Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(9)