Achievement Goal Orientation and Culinary Efficacy: Determinants of Students’ Food Processing Skills
  • Author(s): Charlito M. Castrodes
  • Paper ID: 1704137
  • Page: 42-53
  • Published Date: 10-03-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 9 March-2023

Preserving food is one of the solitary components of the concentrations of Technology and Livelihood Education – Home Economics, as it is perceived as a noteworthy area in the lives of many learners and each individual as it teaches them the necessary values, skills, and practical applications to genuine life situations. This study explored the level of mastery and performance goal orientation as well as culinary efficacy among the students of East II District National High School in Cagayan de Oro City and how these are associated to their food processing skills. Descriptive-correlational design was used to facilitate the collection and organization of the data. The study revealed that the students’ achievement goal orientation both mastery and performance is highly correlated to their sense of culinary-efficacy. The findings of this study point to the need to further enhance the food processing skills of the learners in order for them to achieve the desired standard competency set by the teacher.


Achievement Goal Orientation, Culinary-efficacy, Food Processing Skills


IRE Journals:
Charlito M. Castrodes "Achievement Goal Orientation and Culinary Efficacy: Determinants of Students’ Food Processing Skills" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 9 2023 Page 42-53

Charlito M. Castrodes "Achievement Goal Orientation and Culinary Efficacy: Determinants of Students’ Food Processing Skills" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(9)