Quantum Electricity of Human Body for Micro Power generation: A Review
  • Author(s): Ugochukwu E. Anionovo ; Sylvester E. Abonyi ; Obi k. Obinna ; Mbeledogu E. Chukwuma ; Emmanuel A. Anazia
  • Paper ID: 1704130
  • Page: 315-321
  • Published Date: 30-03-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 9 March-2023

It is an undisputable fact that power is highly essential in all areas of human existence. Energy which is simply defined as the ability to do work is held to be fundamental to every existential element on earth and even beyond by both the science and the orthodoxy. Human activities on earth in the form of research, experiment and accidents, across centuries had led to the discovery and consequent categorization of power which is a derivate of energy, into different forms such as Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical etc. powers. Basically energy is the building block, upon which power is constituted, and by quantum theory of matter, all elements, things or object stems from a conglomeration of several individual particles each having a given amount of energy subject to its mass and momentum


Quantum, Electricity, Human Body, Micro Power generation


IRE Journals:
Ugochukwu E. Anionovo , Sylvester E. Abonyi , Obi k. Obinna , Mbeledogu E. Chukwuma , Emmanuel A. Anazia "Quantum Electricity of Human Body for Micro Power generation: A Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 9 2023 Page 315-321

Ugochukwu E. Anionovo , Sylvester E. Abonyi , Obi k. Obinna , Mbeledogu E. Chukwuma , Emmanuel A. Anazia "Quantum Electricity of Human Body for Micro Power generation: A Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(9)